Neuroscience for Design Worldwide (NfDW)
The mission of Neuroscience for Design Worldwide (NfDW) is to intersect knowledge and evidence from specialised areas within the expanding field of neuroscience, with the transformational and evolving world of design thinking, practice, career and mindset development.
Every day compelling new frontiers are forged as neurobiology and other specialised areas within neuroscience, stretch beyond the mere structure-function neuronal correlations of thought, emotion and behaviour. Understanding the impact that this growing evidence-base has for the world of design and designers, is critical to unfolding new creative potential, increasing innovative thinking and informing user experience design.
At MindRheo, we bridge this gap through a variety of intersective and inclusive-based thinking, research and co-designing activities.
Through our consultancy, workshops, bespoke programme development and keynote presentations we are creating new communities of designers worldwide. For enquiries email

© 2019 Ivanova and Flory