In this Episode #2 of Radical Reorienting we delve into the topic of OPTIMAL MOVEMENT for body and brain health.
In Radical Reorienting we intersect neuroscience and psychology with sports and exercise science to help you work towards the healthiest version of yourself, both mentally and physically.
Daryl Richards defines optimal movement as being able to “move well enough to do what you want and need to do without any pain or compensation.” He uncovers the importance of joint and spinal mobility for long-term health and wellbeing, and brings his vast experience to the discussion on types of movement and tips for exercising regularly. Melanie explains the significance of movement and exercise in activating and maintaining brain plasticity, with positive outcomes for memory retention and recall, enhanced ability for new learning, increasing attention span, and enabling creative thinking.
We hope you’ll walk away with that perfect nugget of information or inspiration that gets you moving (literally) in the direction of optimal and vibrant health.
Be sure to subscribe to the show and give it a good rating!
Twitter: Melanie@MindRheo
Insta: DBR Training MindRheo
L-In: MindRheo DBR Training
Resources / Links:
Daryl’s 5-minute joint mobility routine
Book by James Clear: Atomic Habits: tiny changes, remarkable results
Workout and Nutrition Tracking App