Category: Earlier posts

Be Light About It

I’m really looking forward to our workshop next Saturday (30th June), and anticipating lots of fun, creativity, freedom in our sharing, and the emergence of new perspectives for each one of us, and for all of us collectively.

So, be light about your meditation.  Forget about the heaviness of discipline and determination; unless of course you are able to feel inspired and excited about these ways of being.

Be light about it.  Relax into it.  If fifteen or twenty minutes feel too long, or if you’re feeling fidgety and restless ….. RELAX!  Just meditate for two minutes.  A little meditation practiced without resistance goes a long way.

And, most of all – as we know from our previous work together – the phenomenal and positive-feeling shifts in your moods, thoughts, feelings and emotions are the natural and inevitable by-products of your resistance-free practice.

Go easy.  Go gently.  Go well.  And see you very soon.



Finding Your Focus

The 28th April workshop is still unravelling its effects on a day-to-day basis.  Every single person who attended took away something that was priceless – the value of consciously engaging in new emotions about an old topic in order to arrive at a new perspective that feels better and must result in a better outcome.  Now, that sounds like a mouthful, and a lot to take in!  And it is. 

But, when you go beyond intellectualising this concept, and take it apart, and absorb it, and make it your own through daily practice, you stumble upon thoughts and feelings, and rationale and perspective that you’ve never experienced before.  Your awareness and your perception of yourself and others inevitably changes.  Thankfully, for the better!

 The power of focus was at the centre of our new understanding.   Of course, several other themes ricocheted directly off this central point.  Relativity, connectivity, and what connects and relates us to ourselves, to others, to our dreams and our plans followed on naturally.  But the power of intentional focus – focus that is enriched by self-awareness and an ungrudging willingness to befriend the intentionality that is at the core of  our dreams and goals – opened up penny-dropping and new-resolve moments for many. A new resolve to drop the struggle and angst in the defining and achievement of one’s goals and desires was palpable in the room.  It was replaced with a new desire to relax into them and to be-friend them before taking any action.

 More than all of this however, it was the experimenting with introducing simple meditative practices that can be used in the midst of daily interactions and conversations that had everyone smiling and uttering further penny-dropping groans!

 Meditation began to emerge as a true catalyst that can enable new responses and cause new processes and events to occur that are in alignment with our dreams and goals.

 In keeping with the natural flow of this workshop, the topic for the next one has sprouted organically! “Attention, perception, and coming face-to-face with the core of one’s desires and goals”  has got to be the next logical step forward.  Be prepared for some enjoyable, fun-filled moments, and also some wriggling, eye-opening experiences too!  Whatever you do, make sure you pencil it into your diary –Saturday, 29th September 2012.



Rewire Your Infinite-Loop Thought-Programmes

Recently, I came across the term “infinite loop”, in relation to computer software.  How amazingly relatable to an area I love and am familiar with – neural network models of cognitive processing!  Suddenly I’m on home-territory and infinitely curious.

An infinite loop is a piece of software that can’t find an exit, and consequently repeats itself endlessly until a new condition is introduced.  This normally involves switching off the machine or changing an item of data, i.e. introducing a break statement.

Most often, infinite loops are the result of an unintentional programming error and are commonly referred to as a software bug.  In computer speak, a programme that is running an infinite loop is said to buzz or spin forever, and go catatonic!

Are you getting the analogy here?  Can you see the relatedness between artificial intelligence models and human thinking?  In fact, research and innovative- design collaboration between artificial intelligence experts and neuroscientists have been underway for some time now, in an attempt to better understand the mechanisms in the brain that generate and correlate to human cognition. Mechanisms and technology by themselves however, are not self-conscious.  They require instruction, command, direction, and steering.

Getting back to the analogy of infinite loops; do you have a similar experience with some of your thought processes and programmes?  Do some of them seem to run repeatedly in an infinite loop, distorting, confusing, and exhausting you?

Meditation can be likened to the introduction of that new condition that will help terminate, what I call, deadlock thinking. And we all do it to one extent or another, be it in our personal or professional lives, and on an individual and group-think basis.

Meditation can be an invaluable cut-out process from repeated thought loops, and definitely has value beyond the immediate effects of quieting the mind.  It lays a basis for re-processing, de-bugging, and re-programming thought. This is because by its very nature of looking inward, meditation helps to enhance self-awareness and metacognition (thinking about how you think, and actively choosing new ways of thinking).  It also helps reduce emotional reactivity (not to be confused with emotional responsivity), over a period of time.  A simple definition of metacognitive control is the ability to think about how you think, and then deliberately choose new ways of thinking that are in alignment with what you want to accomplish.

But this is not the complete story.  There is cognition beyond meditation.  Day-to-day living involves thinking on our feet, making choices, taking decisions, managing emotions, thinking rationally, and much more. And all of this requires both, emotional and intellectual intelligence as the bottom-line, if you are to feel and be equal to the desires and dreams you hold for yourself.

It is really exciting and engaging to be able to think thoughts you’ve never thought before, explore new ways of looking at “old” things, and consciously choosing to feel differently about those deadlock topics in your life.

Infinite loops, somewhere along the road, quite unintentionally became part of your thought programme.  It happens!  Now it runs a background buzz that you, the company, the community, your boss, your country, the banks, or someone else, is just catatonic to!

Changing these programmes, first and foremost requires being willing to develop and expand into an emotional base that is conducive to a self-led, creative, and positively imaginative mindset.

I will be focusing on this, in theory and in practice, at the upcoming workshop on 28th of April.  If you can’t attend the workshop then look out for the blog – because the interactive dynamics of every workshop always creates new and unique knowledge, personal insights, and new learning that move each one along a little further on their path of personal evolution.

I want to leave you however, with a few basic markers of a discerning and evolving mindset that is capable of intervening in thought processes with the conscious intent of shifting emotion and thought to be in alignment with specific goals, desires, and imagined futures.  Here they are:

  • A true appreciation of diversity
  • The ability to reframe constraints
  • The cultivation of higher order thinking; and
  • The ability to develop emotional resonance with your goals

Until next time!




Living Life on My Terms

I had a wonderful time in India catching up with some childhood friends that I had not seen for at least a decade!  Isn’t life and technology marvellous?  We’re all back in touch via email, twitter and facebook.

Something my friend Ajit wrote in an email hit me right between the eyes!  It read:

“… this is one life …let’s live it on our terms.”

Living life on my terms. Wow!  What are my terms?

Think about it.  What are the terms you want to live your life by?  Ask the question of yourself over and over again and let your thoughts gather their own momentum. I guarantee that you will reach a point when you will feel joyful from the responses that arise from within you.

And then …WHAM!  Reality hits you in the same spot; right between the eyes.  Err, but … what about the current market situation?  But … the children need me here.  But … I’m too old for that.  But … that’s just plain fantasy.  The babble of buts stream through.  Monkey mind is alive and well.

You feel the impact of those “but” thoughts on your mood and in your solar plexus.  Don’t quit.  Not now.  You can’t quit anyway, because you’ve had a good glimpse of Living Life on My Terms.

Here’s where listening – truly listening – and witnessing the emotions and sensations that Living Life on my Terms evokes within you, becomes paramount.  Stay focused on this feedback for a while.  Try it again.  Non-judgmental listening and witnessing does take some practice.  It is however, the first step to living life on your terms.

Even before you embark on the living part of the equation, a “making-friends-with” your terms is vital to you becoming your own biggest cheer-leader and source of inspiration.  You’ll come by other resources easily enough after than.

Take a little time out every day.  A minute here and there to practice witnessing and getting to like your LLOMT thoughts.  You are now lightly skimming the realm of contemplation, which is vital in training the mind to focus and concentrate with specific intention.



Optimistic, Open, On Purpose

I spent the most part of January ensconced in fun and the love of my family and friends in India.  I also had my fair share of penny-dropping and eye-opening moments. The Indian sub-continent is abuzz.  You can feel its vibrancy.  I’m not referring to that colour-rich, heaving-street, joie de vivre that we have grown accustomed to associating with the country and its people.  It’s different. It’s a sensed energy.  You feel it.  The air is thick with optimism and positive anticipation.  You see it in the big business ventures taking place.  Parliamentary debates are fuelled by a well-informed intelligentsia. There are smiles all round and then some.  Hubs and huddles of bent heads deep in political, business, philosophical, and religious debate, meet for breakfast.  Lunches are about the fast-moving financial trends, the outsourcing industry, price of bullion, the latest food fad and Bollywood glitterati gossip.

Amidst all these worldly wise goings-on, I was amazed to witness the openness with which individuals, companies and cohorts talked about the practice, effects and benefits of meditation and emotional management for private and public life.  Refreshing!  Debates on TV.  MIT engineers and scientists extolling the positive benefits of meditation on their creativity and problem-solving skills.  Senior  graduates on national TV educating and urging freshmen and sophomores to take up clinically based mediation and contemplative practice to alleviate exam anxiety, memory lapses, and poor sleep patterns.  So here I am, back in theUK, and more inspired than ever to ensure that MindRheo does its bit to bring meditation and its associated practices into our homes and offices.
